Mary Neifert

Master Stylist

Hometown: Davison, MI

My Sign: Cancer

Qualifications: Ive been a licensed stylist for 35 years and I am a certified wedding coordinator

Three Words to Describe Me: Creative, nurturing, joyful

Motivating Values: Integrity, authenticity, kindness

My Stylist Superpower: Ill take something negative and make it a positive!

My Vibe: I am a positive encourager.

Conversational Style: We can keep it short and sweet or have long conversations. It depends on what you want and need, I’ll follow your lead.

Favorite Things to Talk About: Family books, design, health, and wellness.

When I’m Not Working You Can Find Me: You will find me loving on my family, reading, cooking, baking, creating and exercising.

Final Thoughts? My goal is for each client to leave feeling beautiful, heard and inspired- its super important to me!