Lauren Powlovich, MD, MBA 

Medical Director

Hometown: Rutlant, VT

My Sign: Sagittarius

Qualifications: I am trained in anesthesiology but have been working for a medical research organization for the past 5 years as the Associate Chief Medical Officer. I also graduated from Darden with my MBA in May 2023.

Three Words to Describe Me: Easygoing, insightful, organized.

Motivating Values: Human interaction and helping people.

My Medical Director Superpower: Making our patients feel at ease and confident about their upcoming aesthetic procedure.

My Vibe: A good mix of spiritual, dorky and a plain Jane.

Conversational Style: It depends on how much time I have but I can definitely be chatty!

Favorite Things to Talk About: I like to talk about health and wellness of all varieties- mental, physical, spiritual, financial, and community.

When Iā€™m Not Working You Can Find Me: Spending time with my 7 year old son and partner. I also spent time exercising, in nature and love watching live music.

Final Thoughts? My goal is to help women feel beautiful with as much of a natural result as possible.